Turn Tracker v2.0

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Turn Tracker is a no-frills initiative tracking aid for role playing games like Pathfinder (1e or 2e), Starfinder, D&D (5e or any previous edition) or Shadowrun.

Get rid of pencil and paper, your magnetic board or whiteboard, and start dragging tiles for players and NPCs on the grid.

Rolling initiative, changing the turn order and starting new encounters is all a matter of seconds.

The app fully supports:

The grid fully adapts to the available screen size. This means that rotating the device changes the range of available initiative values. Tiles automatically move to the nearest possible new value, and remember their original initiative value (it is also displayed in the upper right corner).

With slide-over and multitasking support, you can run other apps side-by-side or on top of Turn Tracker. No app switching needed just because you need to look something up in a PDF or on the web!

Dragging tiles to the top edge of the screen temporarily removes them from display. Tap the tray icon to re-add them later. NPCs dragged here are removed from play when you tap start a new encounter.

This is how it looks:

Controls around the board

There are 6 controls around the board. Here’s what they do:

+ (top right)

This adds a new NPC to the board. NPCs are usually added in the top-right slot, in order to be quickly accessible after adding. When “Auto-roll Initiative” is turned on in the app’s settings, the NPC will appear in its newly rolled Initiative slot.

To create a new PC, tap on an NPC, choose edit and change the type to PC.

Settings (bottom right)

Opens the app settings. Dismiss via “Done” or slide-down.

Next (bottom center)

Moves the “active” marker to the next tile. Tap and hold this button to move the “active” marker to the previous tile.

Shuffle (bottom left)

Roll initative for all tiles, just the PCs, or just the NPCs.

Tray (top left)

Re-adds inactive tiles to the board. Tiles are always added in the top-left slot, in order to be quickly accessible after re-adding.

“Campaign” (top center)

Edit the campaign’s name.

Keyboard control

If you have a hardware keyboard connected to your iPad, you can use it to control parts of the app.

Hold the ⌘ (Command) key to show a list of all available shortcuts.

Turn Tracker Premium

Turn Tracker is a free app with an upgrade to a premium version. This upgrade unlocks the following features:

Privacy Policy

Turn Tracker does not collect or store any personally identifiable information. All names and other data entered into the app remain on the device and are never sent elsewhere.
The app uses anonymous usage and crash reporting from Sentry. Read Sentry's privacy policy for more information.